Uric acid in the body can damage the kidneys, know the symptoms and prevention

New Delhi: To keep the body healthy, it is very important to balance all the elements including hormones, vitamins, amino acids. If any of these elements increase too much, then trouble starts to occur. If you have problems with your toes, joints, then uric acid may have increased.

The amount of uric acid in the body should be between 3.5 to 7.2 milligrams per deciliter.

When uric acid increases more than this, there is a problem of high uric acid. With this, many types of problems arise in the body including risk of heart attack. Let’s try to find out what are the symptoms of increasing uric acid and what are the preventions?

Uric acid is made from the things we eat. Cells contribute a lot to making it. Kidneys work to filter a large part of uric acid. This increases uric acid in the blood. Later it starts accumulating between the bones. This starts causing bone related problems.

This can increase the problem

Uric acid starts increasing due to poor eating and lifestyle.

Usually people drink less water. This is also the reason for the increase in uric acid. In addition to drinking more alcohol, protein-rich diet, this disease is also genetic. At the same time, diabetes, BP, anti-cancer drugs and pain killers can also increase the amount of uric acid.

Red meat, seafood can also increase the problem of uric acid. Apart from this, soda, ice cream, candy, fast food also causes harm.

These symptoms appear when uric acid increases

Many symptoms appear when uric acid increases. These include pain in the joints, swelling in the fingers, difficulty in getting up and sitting, feeling weak, complaints of lumps in the joints. As it increases, there is swelling in the muscles.

Unbearable pricking can occur in the feet and fingers of the hands. Too much uric acid can lead to kidney failure, kidney stones and increased blood pressure. The risk of heart attack also increases.

Follow this diet to protect yourself

Fresh fruits and vegetables should be consumed. Lemon, orange, berries should be eaten. The citric acid present in them helps in removing uric acid. Potatoes, rice, whole grain bread and pasta work to control uric acid. Apart from this, you should drink plenty of water.