Mumbai: Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Sunday after being interrogated over the cruise rave party that the agency raided on Saturday night.
Aryan has been arrested under Section 8C, 20B, 27 read with 35 of the NDPS Act. Early on Sunday, it was reported that Aryan Khan, along with seven others, was detained for interrogation. In the afternoon, it was confirmed that Aryan Khan was booked in connection with the rave party case from where 13 gm cocaine, 21 gm charas, 22 pills of MDMA (ecstacy), 5 gm MD, and ₹1.33 lakh in cash were recovered. The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) has questioned Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan in a drug case on Cordelia Cruises’ Empress ship.
NCB had busted a rave party on Saturday night when the team raided at a cruise ship off the Mumbai coast. Aryan, who is Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s eldest son, has not been booked on any charges said Sameer Wankhede, Zonal Director of NCB.
The NCB has also summoned six of the organisers who had planned the cruise party and investigating team had seized Khan’s mobile and is being scanned by the authorities to check for any indication of his involvement in the possession or consumption of drugs.
SRK’s son Aryan arrested in drug raid case
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