Uttar Pradesh: Stating that social media was being misused by opponents to disturb peace and harmony in the country and state, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that currently, social media is a ‘belagaam ghora’ (unbridled horse) and asked officials of the BJP’s IT and Social Media cell to remain prepare to rein it.
While addressing a workshop of Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) IT and social media cell in state capital Lucknow on Friday, he said that many people are attempting to create social troubles, caste conflict and lawlessness through social media.
Lashing at farm protest supporters, he said, ” Those who state themselves as “well wishers” of farmers and are disturbing the peace of the nation should know that a record payment of over Rs 1, 40, 000 crore has been made to around Rs 45 lakh sugarcane farmers in Uttar Pradesh.”
He warned his party workers to stay alert from falling prey to media trials and said while referring to the Pegasus spyware controversy, ” An analysis reveals that for a local incident in Uttar Pradesh the social media trial began in other countries, started by those with no links to the state.”
He urged BJP’s IT and Social Media cell to counter it at once without waiting for an auspicious time.
Talking about the changing nature of media, he said that once-powerful mediums print and television had owners and editors but social media had no such “mai baap [someone at the helm]”.
“Therefore, that’s why it is crucial to train and prepare to control this unbridled horse,” he exclaimed.
Social media a ‘belagaam ghora’, prepare to control it: Yogi to BJP IT cell
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