Mumbai: There has been a lot of secrecy around the film’s plot since the the trailer of Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui was released as it gave audience a hint but kept most of it under wraps. Ayushmann Khurrana usually take up films based on taboo subjects, this time, it is Vaani Kapoor, who has taken the plunge and dived deep into uncharted waters. Directed by Abhishek Kapoor, this movie makes it clear from the first scene itself that it’s going to be a loud film, for its set in Chandigarh and has lots of Punjabis in it. So, don’t be amused if you’re fed with some in-your-face quotes flashing on T-shirts or walls (T-shirt chhod personality dekh, it’s just you against you, hardest worker in the room), or people using the most colourful language anywhere and everywhere.